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Naturopathic medicine may be helpful for any of the following conditions

Naturopathic medicine

​Gut health

Weight management

Chronic illness

Hormonal imbalances

Immune health

Sleep issues

Pain management

The 6 principles of naturopathy

Root causes
Natural remedies


The Healing Power of Nature

Trusting in the body's inherent healing wisdom.


First Do No harm

Utilizing the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies


Identify and Treat the root cause

Looking at underlying cause rather than focused on symptoms


Doctor as teacher

Educate patients on achieving and maintaining health


Treat the whole person

View the integration of body and mind and spirit.



Focus on wellness and disease prevention

Our Expertise

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Dr. Maria Coulombe ND has a special interest in healing the gut with a specialization in SIBO testing.


Remove offending agents that may be affecting gut health by assessing food sensitivities and digestive stool analysis if needed.


Repair by incorporating supplements and foods, herbs that repair the gut lining.


Reinoculating by restoring the microbiome which is often depleted by antibiotics and overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria that feed on sugar and processed foods.


Replacing with the essential components for digestive health such as prebiotics.


Not only are we as healthy as our digestion but finally relaxing through mindfulness meditation daily to reduce stress that disrupts the bodies innate ability to assimilate our nutrition

Stress relief
Healthy diet
Healthy lifestyle


Naturopathic Source, Gloucester

13 Oriole Drive Gloucester

Ottawa, ON K1J 7E8

Tel: (873) 688-3939


Beechwood Chiropractic

Beechwood Village Chiropractic,

61 Beechwood Ave., Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Tel: (613) 748-0611

Rockland Chiropractic

928 Laporte Street suite 130, Rockland, ON, Canada
Tel: (873) 688-3939


Monday - 3pm to 6pm

Tuesday - 8am to 6pm

Wednesday - 3pm to 6pm

Thursday - 8am to 6pm

Friday - 3pm to 6pm

Saturday - Flexibility


Monday - 8am to 2pm

Wednesday- 8am to 2pm

Friday - 8am to 2pm


Tuesday - 8am to 12pm

Thursday - 8am to 12pm

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